We are living through powerful times of change and transformation.
This is so true it's become a cliché. We all feel the accelerating pace and effect of an economic system that drives our nervous systems into rat races of ambition or deep pools of scarcity and lack. How do we navigate the known and unknown territory ahead of us through the coming years of societal and planetary change? For years, Astrologers have been warning that in the birth chart of the United States of America there is a "Pluto Return" which is coming to fullness at the end of 2021 and into 2022. Pluto is known for deep, inter-generational, systemic transformation and this is being activated in the 2nd House of the US chart - the House of Resource, Wealth, and Personal Sufficiency. (Astrologer: Pam Gregory - US Pluto Return) We are also moving into a new Eclipse season on the Taurus/Scorpio axis which will stimulate even further change around power, resources, secrets, economics, values, sustainability, and comfort. These eclipses will be active until July 2023. If that weren't enough... we also have the planet of revolution and sudden, dramatic change - Uranus - slowly moving through the sign of stability and comfort - Taurus - offering abundant opportunities to shake up our ideas of what is sufficient and sustainable for all beings of Earth. This transit continues through 2026. (https://www.astrology.com/article/uranus-enters-taurus/) We are moving through exciting and treacherous times of change for the Earth and for our financial reality. This fundamental state shift has been long overdue and we are being called to regenerate and reorder the foundations of economic relationships and understanding. It's time to reclaim the sacred power of exchange for the highest good of the whole planet! 4 Ways To Begin Resetting Your Relationship With Money 1. Examine Your Core Money Beliefs What thoughts and feelings immediately arise when the subject of money comes up? What shaped your earliest understanding of money? How do money and wealth come through your Ancestral Lineage? What is your financial Karma? 2. Envision your Ideal Relationship with Money What kind of relationship would you like to have with money? What would it feel like to be in a good place with money? How would it feel to "get along" with your finances? 3. Explore your reasons for wanting and needing money Why do you want money in your life? Why would a good relationship with money matter to you? What kind and generous actions could you create with money? Who and what would you support? 4. Empower new strategies and tools for working with money How can you tend your money well? What is your long-term financial plan and how can you cultivate it? What does true self-sufficiency mean for you? How can you invest your resources more wisely? We can reconnect to the roots of an energetic and spiritual financial reality that remembers what matters most and from where true wealth arises. This is a sacred revolutionary act, the respectful restoration of reverence for our resources from an energetic, spirit world level. The Spirit of Money is a Spirit Being, an energetic entity, created by humanity and connected to nearly every human being on the planet. We each have a personal relationship with this Spirit... and often that relationship is fraught with judgment, suspicion, angst, stress, and fear. Why would the Spirit of Money want to hang out with someone who disrespects her, or avoids him, or fears them? (Your Spirit of Money may be gendered or non-binary or a collective... wouldn't it be great to find out?!) In this workshop, we open a respectful curiosity about this Spirit of exchange on the personal and collective levels, and into the deeper animistic roots of resource, sustainability, and sufficiency. It's like couples counseling for your finances! What if you were to spend 6 weeks in a curious, compassionate, and healing conversation with your personal Spirit of Money? How might your financial reality change for the better? Money is energy and you can build your skills for working with the streams of this flow of energy, so you can have an influence on where that flow is moving and how it's being cultivated. This is a path toward an intentional, compassionate, empowered, and conscious spirit-guided redistribution. Money work is energy work and sacred activist work. It's an act of healing to assume more responsibility and stewardship for your financial energy. It is retrieval of your creative power. You have the opportunity to radically and rebelliously take charge of your financial reality and co-create the next era of planetary economy!
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