Shamanic Healing

Celia Blackwood is a Shamanic Practitioner, Healer, Teacher & Guide.
Her initial interest and study of Shamanism began in 1992 while pursuing a degree in Anthropology at Appalachian State University. Celia has studied and practiced Core Neo-Shamanism as taught by Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, and Hank Wesselman. This foundational practice was deepened and expanded in 2008 through initiation into the ancient Inca lineage of Earthkeepers and Lightbody healers directly transmitted by the Q'ero shamans from the high Andes in Peru. Her extensive and ongoing training includes direct experience with Alberto Villoldo of The Four Winds Society, Jose Luis Herrera of The Rainbow Jaguar Institute, Dennis Alejo of Serena Anchanchu School, Joan Parisi Wilcox, Juan Nunez del Prado, Altomesayok Don Aldolfo Tito Condori, and the Q'ero Paqos with whom she has become spiritually aligned.
Scroll to see a comprehensive list of training.
Celia journeys to Peru nearly every year for a sacred pilgrimage to learn directly from her Q'ero mentors and from the spirits of the land and the mountains. She currently offers her shamanic service through a private healing practice in Tucson Arizona and a robust schedule of teaching, managing, mothering and manifesting.
This powerful healing work involves a process of removing stagnant and crystallized energy accumulated through life's past traumas from the body's energetic field through the chakras. It incorporates many ancient tried and true methods including fire ceremony, soul and destiny retrieval, energetic and underworld extractions, journeying and Lightbody illuminations. It is very gentle and simple while being incredibly powerful and transformational. Many of these techniques are currently employed by today's psychotherapists because of their profound and lasting effects in eliminating recurring emotional and psychosomatic problems. Shamanic work breaks us out of our old conditioning and even past life contracts by breaking our affinity to old soul wounds. It addresses the soul’s evolution, the obstacles in its path, and it removes them. Free of the wounds we can move fully into our lives, consciously, and fulfill our destinies in this lifetime!
In my work I acknowledge that dis-ease comes through disengagement from our internal source of wellness which is our Soul. Our Soul is our connection to Oneness and when what we do is in accord with Oneness we are healthy. When our way-of-life is in discord with Oneness dis-ease follows. By using shamanic techniques and guidance from helping spirits I connect seekers to this inner spring and help to clear the patterns and blockages that may have caused this disconnection.
Her initial interest and study of Shamanism began in 1992 while pursuing a degree in Anthropology at Appalachian State University. Celia has studied and practiced Core Neo-Shamanism as taught by Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, and Hank Wesselman. This foundational practice was deepened and expanded in 2008 through initiation into the ancient Inca lineage of Earthkeepers and Lightbody healers directly transmitted by the Q'ero shamans from the high Andes in Peru. Her extensive and ongoing training includes direct experience with Alberto Villoldo of The Four Winds Society, Jose Luis Herrera of The Rainbow Jaguar Institute, Dennis Alejo of Serena Anchanchu School, Joan Parisi Wilcox, Juan Nunez del Prado, Altomesayok Don Aldolfo Tito Condori, and the Q'ero Paqos with whom she has become spiritually aligned.
Scroll to see a comprehensive list of training.
Celia journeys to Peru nearly every year for a sacred pilgrimage to learn directly from her Q'ero mentors and from the spirits of the land and the mountains. She currently offers her shamanic service through a private healing practice in Tucson Arizona and a robust schedule of teaching, managing, mothering and manifesting.
This powerful healing work involves a process of removing stagnant and crystallized energy accumulated through life's past traumas from the body's energetic field through the chakras. It incorporates many ancient tried and true methods including fire ceremony, soul and destiny retrieval, energetic and underworld extractions, journeying and Lightbody illuminations. It is very gentle and simple while being incredibly powerful and transformational. Many of these techniques are currently employed by today's psychotherapists because of their profound and lasting effects in eliminating recurring emotional and psychosomatic problems. Shamanic work breaks us out of our old conditioning and even past life contracts by breaking our affinity to old soul wounds. It addresses the soul’s evolution, the obstacles in its path, and it removes them. Free of the wounds we can move fully into our lives, consciously, and fulfill our destinies in this lifetime!
In my work I acknowledge that dis-ease comes through disengagement from our internal source of wellness which is our Soul. Our Soul is our connection to Oneness and when what we do is in accord with Oneness we are healthy. When our way-of-life is in discord with Oneness dis-ease follows. By using shamanic techniques and guidance from helping spirits I connect seekers to this inner spring and help to clear the patterns and blockages that may have caused this disconnection.
What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is one of humankind’s oldest and perhaps original form of spirituality. Early in human evolution, we began to look to the spirits of ancestors, animals, plants, elements and deities for help, guidance and sustenance. These compassionate beings assisted us by teaching humankind about how to live in the world and by offering protection. The spirits taught ceremonies and rituals for hunting, agriculture, fertility and healing. The spirits provided a framework and sense of continuity that helped people to feel safer and to function well within their world. The spirits offered relationship, thus spirituality in a shamanistic sense means having relationship with Spirit or spirits.
Certain people were observed to have strong affinities for communicating with these spirits and they became known as the shamans, the seers and the mediators. The shamans served their community in many capacities. Some shamans were healers, seers or masters of ritual to ensure the success of various endeavors. Shamans were the ones whose job was to ensure that balance be kept between the seen and unseen worlds. Shamanism exists today as the substratum of most if not all cultures and it exists because the relationships between the helping and compassionate spirits and people continue to exist.
Modern shamanism is alive and thriving. There is a wonderful blending of ancestral and ancient knowledge with new experience. Many people are discovering that connecting to and relating with the Helping Spirits is not confined to shamans, but is available to all of us.
Certain people were observed to have strong affinities for communicating with these spirits and they became known as the shamans, the seers and the mediators. The shamans served their community in many capacities. Some shamans were healers, seers or masters of ritual to ensure the success of various endeavors. Shamans were the ones whose job was to ensure that balance be kept between the seen and unseen worlds. Shamanism exists today as the substratum of most if not all cultures and it exists because the relationships between the helping and compassionate spirits and people continue to exist.
Modern shamanism is alive and thriving. There is a wonderful blending of ancestral and ancient knowledge with new experience. Many people are discovering that connecting to and relating with the Helping Spirits is not confined to shamans, but is available to all of us.
List of Trainings Completed
Herbal Apprenticeship in NC - 1993
Doulas of North America Certification in Tucson - 1997
EFT Training in Tucson - 1996
Hypnotherapy Certification in Tucson - 1997
Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Certification in Tucson - 1997
Reiki I & II in Tucson - Raven Mahosada - 1999
Siddha Yoga Meditation Training in Palm Springs - Gurumayi Chidvilasananda - 2000
Quantum Touch Level 1, 2, 3 - 2001
Healing Touch Level 1, 2, 3 - 2002-2004
Reiki 1, 2, 3, Master - Lucia Maya - 2005-2007
Way Of The Shaman Training - Michael Harner - 2007
Journeying With Nature Spirits & Soul Retrieval - Sandra Ingerman - 2007
The Four Winds Healing The Light Body - Alberto Villoldo, Linda Fitch - 2008-2011
Essential Oils Training - David Medicine Crow - 2010
Munay-Ki Teacher Training - Joshua Tree CA - 2011
Advanced Divination - Linda Fitch - 2011
Advanced Soul & Destiny Retrieval - Linda Fitch - 2011
Advanced Mesa Training - Jose Luis Herrera - 2012
Ancestral Healing - Christina Pratt - 2013
Compassionate Depossession - Betsy Bergstrom - 2013
Spirit Release - Lynn Namka - 2013
Curanderismo - Charles Garcia - 2013
Tracking & Divination - Jose Luis Herrera - 2013
Serena Anchanchu Paqo School - Denis Alejo - Peru - 2014
Ancestral Medicine Training - Daniel Foor - 2014
Curse Unraveling - Betsy Bergstrom - 2014
Andean Cosmovision - Jose Luis Herrera - 2012-2015
Andean Paqo Training - Joan Wilcox - Tucson 2014-2015
Foundations of Ritual - Daniel Foor - 2016
Advanced Mesa Training - Adolfo Tito Condori & Rodolfo Tito Condori - Santa Fe - 2016
Andean Paqo Training - Juan & Ivan Nunez del Prado - 2018-2019
Animist Psychology - Daniel Foor - 2018
Spirit Release Therapy - David Furlong - 2019
Awake In The Wild Mindfulness in Nature Teacher Training - Mark Coleman - 2019-2020
Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training - Christopher Germer - 2020
Inka Medicine School Module 1,2,3 - Maestro Alejandro Apaza - 2020-2022
Internal Family Systems Training - Circle Program, Coaching Program, Group Program - 2020-2024
Shamans Visionary Circle - Hank Wesselman - 2020-2021
Herbal Medicine Apprenticeship - Ashley Ellenbass - 2021
Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Practice - Deb Dana - 2021-2022
The Body is a Doorway - Sophie Strand - 2023
Advanced Curse Unraveling - Betsy Bergstrom - 2022
Advanced Compassionate Depossession - Betsy Bergstrom - 2022
IFS & Psychedelics Training - Heather Smith - 2022-2023
IFS & Unattached Burdens Consult Group - Robert Falconer - 2024
Community Storytelling Training & Certification - The Hearth - 2024
The Art of Attunement & Spiritual Healing - Thomas Hubl - 2024
Herbal Apprenticeship in NC - 1993
Doulas of North America Certification in Tucson - 1997
EFT Training in Tucson - 1996
Hypnotherapy Certification in Tucson - 1997
Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Certification in Tucson - 1997
Reiki I & II in Tucson - Raven Mahosada - 1999
Siddha Yoga Meditation Training in Palm Springs - Gurumayi Chidvilasananda - 2000
Quantum Touch Level 1, 2, 3 - 2001
Healing Touch Level 1, 2, 3 - 2002-2004
Reiki 1, 2, 3, Master - Lucia Maya - 2005-2007
Way Of The Shaman Training - Michael Harner - 2007
Journeying With Nature Spirits & Soul Retrieval - Sandra Ingerman - 2007
The Four Winds Healing The Light Body - Alberto Villoldo, Linda Fitch - 2008-2011
Essential Oils Training - David Medicine Crow - 2010
Munay-Ki Teacher Training - Joshua Tree CA - 2011
Advanced Divination - Linda Fitch - 2011
Advanced Soul & Destiny Retrieval - Linda Fitch - 2011
Advanced Mesa Training - Jose Luis Herrera - 2012
Ancestral Healing - Christina Pratt - 2013
Compassionate Depossession - Betsy Bergstrom - 2013
Spirit Release - Lynn Namka - 2013
Curanderismo - Charles Garcia - 2013
Tracking & Divination - Jose Luis Herrera - 2013
Serena Anchanchu Paqo School - Denis Alejo - Peru - 2014
Ancestral Medicine Training - Daniel Foor - 2014
Curse Unraveling - Betsy Bergstrom - 2014
Andean Cosmovision - Jose Luis Herrera - 2012-2015
Andean Paqo Training - Joan Wilcox - Tucson 2014-2015
Foundations of Ritual - Daniel Foor - 2016
Advanced Mesa Training - Adolfo Tito Condori & Rodolfo Tito Condori - Santa Fe - 2016
Andean Paqo Training - Juan & Ivan Nunez del Prado - 2018-2019
Animist Psychology - Daniel Foor - 2018
Spirit Release Therapy - David Furlong - 2019
Awake In The Wild Mindfulness in Nature Teacher Training - Mark Coleman - 2019-2020
Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training - Christopher Germer - 2020
Inka Medicine School Module 1,2,3 - Maestro Alejandro Apaza - 2020-2022
Internal Family Systems Training - Circle Program, Coaching Program, Group Program - 2020-2024
Shamans Visionary Circle - Hank Wesselman - 2020-2021
Herbal Medicine Apprenticeship - Ashley Ellenbass - 2021
Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Practice - Deb Dana - 2021-2022
The Body is a Doorway - Sophie Strand - 2023
Advanced Curse Unraveling - Betsy Bergstrom - 2022
Advanced Compassionate Depossession - Betsy Bergstrom - 2022
IFS & Psychedelics Training - Heather Smith - 2022-2023
IFS & Unattached Burdens Consult Group - Robert Falconer - 2024
Community Storytelling Training & Certification - The Hearth - 2024
The Art of Attunement & Spiritual Healing - Thomas Hubl - 2024