Tawantinsuyu Mesachakuy:
Andean Mesa Building in 4 Directions *NEW DATES! Qollasuyu (South): July 12-15, 2018 (NM Retreat) or Sept 6-9, 2018 (Tucson) Contisuyu (West): Nov 8-11, 2018 (AZ Retreat) or Jan 10-13, 2019 (Tucson) Chinchaysuyu (North): March 7-10, 2019 (AZ Retreat) or May 2-5, 2019 (Tucson) Antisuyu (East): July 11-14, 2019 (NM Retreat) or Sept 12-15, 2019 (Tucson) Click Here for Pricing & Details |
Mesachakuy is the process of becoming a Mesa Carrier in the Andean Way and is a powerful inner journey of healing, awakening and transformation. It is a journey that traces a spiral path with no beginning and no end. It aligns with the Tawantinsuyu - the coordinates of the four directions - and is held by the sacred energies of the Heavens and Earth. It is a powerful personal journey of remembering our true nature, of growing into true spiritual adulthood, and of awakening our true destinies. It is a journey that requires courage and heart.
As we are born into this world, we pass through a veil of forgetting who we are and why we came here. As the experiences of this life accrue, most of us become attached to stories, patterns and conditioning that define our identity. These influences operate subconsciously and are woven together like a mesh that filters how we perceive reality. The initial steps along this path involve becoming conscious of our identification with those influences and releasing that which does not support our joy and aliveness. When we cleanse our perceptions and free our energy field of the residue of the past, we experience deep healing and peace.
As we continue this journey, we begin to remember and reconnect with our destiny. As we get out of our head, our heart opens and flowers. Our vision opens and we become able to perceive within non-physical realms of energy and light. For many, this is a new experience. For others, it is something they have always experienced but not understood. We learn the shaman's skills for focusing perception and tracking energy. We rediscover impeccability and integrity at a higher transpersonal level. We connect energetically with spiritual allies and guides, who support us from the invisible realms outside ordinary space-time. We receive powerful energy transmissions known as Karpays that activate and re-inform our DNA and our light body. As our vibrational frequency rises, we become more able to receive guidance and wisdom directly from Spirit, without middle-men.
This prepares us for the next stage of the journey. We move beyond the context of our personal healing and grow into being of service for the greatest good. Coming from a place of gratitude, humility and respect for all life, we step up as caretakers of the earth and stewards of the world around us. Only then are we ready to acquire the gift of dreaming the world into being. This is a power that connects directly to the source of creation, and can only be held by those who have truly taken the journey.
This is a time of a great awakening of consciousness on planet Earth. Building a medicine bundle (Mesachakuy) helps us to heal, awaken and step into our destiny.
We are pleased to present this shamanic training program in Tucson, Arizona. It consists of four sessions, or directions, spread over a 12-month period of practice and integration. Each direction of the medicine wheel builds on the work of the previous session. A structure of support and guidance is provided between directions. Come take this journey with a group of like-minded people - and become friends for life!
Each session includes teaching segments, demonstrations, experiential exercises, shamanic journeys, ceremonies and time for processing. A two-month period of personal practice and integration follows, during which the participant has the opportunity to work one-on-one with the course instructor to anchor the teachings and practices into their life.
There will be an additional opportunity to take a pilgrimage to Peru in 2019 to fully initiate and bless your Mesa and begin the next level of learning and growing!
Click Here to fill out the Application Form
The medicine building journey begins with the South. It is a three-day group training intensive which initiates the process of healing and activation of the individual's energy field, by working with the gentle healing energies of Mother Earth. We learn the basics of shedding attachment to the past by examining our perceptions. Working at the level of our core energy field, we learn how to release stories and scripts that program us for repeated failure and suffering. During this session, the participant starts his or her personal medicine bundle, called a mesa, which receives the Mesa Blessing rites in ceremony. Initiations include the Foundation transmissions.
Each session includes teaching segments, demonstrations, experiential exercises, shamanic journeys, ceremonies and time for processing.
A two-month period of personal practice and integration follows. Each participant also has the opportunity to work one-on-one with the course instructors to anchor the teachings and practices into their life.
When we gather again for the West, we take a deeper look into the systems and programs that operate at a subconscious level. Working with shamanic practices, loving kindness, self-awareness and emotional release, we learn how to free ourselves from ancestral patterns, karmic influences and cultural conditioning. Here we step onto the path of the peaceful spiritual warrior who lives in service for the highest good of the community. We break the grip of fear and develop a benign relationship with death. Ceremonies include the Pachamama Karpay initiations. The West session is also followed by a two-month period of supported integration and practice.
When we come together for the North we learn to access Kairos, or sacred circular time, as shamans and mystics have practiced for millennia, disengaging from the confines of Chronos, or linear time. We reconnect with ancient memories and our origins through ceremony. We step beyond the limits of the known to access the unknowable secret of our true nature. Here we learn to access the mystery teachings that initiate us to be in service of the wisdom tradition. We receive the blessings of the Apu Karpay initiation rites and the Mosoq Karpay rites of the Time to Come. The North is again followed by a two-month period of supported integration and practice of the teachings.
Here we learn to access the shaman’s way of dreaming the world into being through pure awareness and intention. We learn to grow beyond the context of our personal healing work and accept responsibility as stewards of creation. As we do, the world heals, and we experience the sacred in every moment. Ceremonies include the Chaska Kuna Karpay Rites and the Taitanchis Ranti rites.
The Mesachakuy experience is an alchemical journey of transformation and awakening. We are the ones we have been waiting for! We invite you to come journey with us.
Click Here to fill out the Application Form
As we are born into this world, we pass through a veil of forgetting who we are and why we came here. As the experiences of this life accrue, most of us become attached to stories, patterns and conditioning that define our identity. These influences operate subconsciously and are woven together like a mesh that filters how we perceive reality. The initial steps along this path involve becoming conscious of our identification with those influences and releasing that which does not support our joy and aliveness. When we cleanse our perceptions and free our energy field of the residue of the past, we experience deep healing and peace.
As we continue this journey, we begin to remember and reconnect with our destiny. As we get out of our head, our heart opens and flowers. Our vision opens and we become able to perceive within non-physical realms of energy and light. For many, this is a new experience. For others, it is something they have always experienced but not understood. We learn the shaman's skills for focusing perception and tracking energy. We rediscover impeccability and integrity at a higher transpersonal level. We connect energetically with spiritual allies and guides, who support us from the invisible realms outside ordinary space-time. We receive powerful energy transmissions known as Karpays that activate and re-inform our DNA and our light body. As our vibrational frequency rises, we become more able to receive guidance and wisdom directly from Spirit, without middle-men.
This prepares us for the next stage of the journey. We move beyond the context of our personal healing and grow into being of service for the greatest good. Coming from a place of gratitude, humility and respect for all life, we step up as caretakers of the earth and stewards of the world around us. Only then are we ready to acquire the gift of dreaming the world into being. This is a power that connects directly to the source of creation, and can only be held by those who have truly taken the journey.
This is a time of a great awakening of consciousness on planet Earth. Building a medicine bundle (Mesachakuy) helps us to heal, awaken and step into our destiny.
We are pleased to present this shamanic training program in Tucson, Arizona. It consists of four sessions, or directions, spread over a 12-month period of practice and integration. Each direction of the medicine wheel builds on the work of the previous session. A structure of support and guidance is provided between directions. Come take this journey with a group of like-minded people - and become friends for life!
Each session includes teaching segments, demonstrations, experiential exercises, shamanic journeys, ceremonies and time for processing. A two-month period of personal practice and integration follows, during which the participant has the opportunity to work one-on-one with the course instructor to anchor the teachings and practices into their life.
There will be an additional opportunity to take a pilgrimage to Peru in 2019 to fully initiate and bless your Mesa and begin the next level of learning and growing!
Click Here to fill out the Application Form
The medicine building journey begins with the South. It is a three-day group training intensive which initiates the process of healing and activation of the individual's energy field, by working with the gentle healing energies of Mother Earth. We learn the basics of shedding attachment to the past by examining our perceptions. Working at the level of our core energy field, we learn how to release stories and scripts that program us for repeated failure and suffering. During this session, the participant starts his or her personal medicine bundle, called a mesa, which receives the Mesa Blessing rites in ceremony. Initiations include the Foundation transmissions.
Each session includes teaching segments, demonstrations, experiential exercises, shamanic journeys, ceremonies and time for processing.
A two-month period of personal practice and integration follows. Each participant also has the opportunity to work one-on-one with the course instructors to anchor the teachings and practices into their life.
When we gather again for the West, we take a deeper look into the systems and programs that operate at a subconscious level. Working with shamanic practices, loving kindness, self-awareness and emotional release, we learn how to free ourselves from ancestral patterns, karmic influences and cultural conditioning. Here we step onto the path of the peaceful spiritual warrior who lives in service for the highest good of the community. We break the grip of fear and develop a benign relationship with death. Ceremonies include the Pachamama Karpay initiations. The West session is also followed by a two-month period of supported integration and practice.
When we come together for the North we learn to access Kairos, or sacred circular time, as shamans and mystics have practiced for millennia, disengaging from the confines of Chronos, or linear time. We reconnect with ancient memories and our origins through ceremony. We step beyond the limits of the known to access the unknowable secret of our true nature. Here we learn to access the mystery teachings that initiate us to be in service of the wisdom tradition. We receive the blessings of the Apu Karpay initiation rites and the Mosoq Karpay rites of the Time to Come. The North is again followed by a two-month period of supported integration and practice of the teachings.
Here we learn to access the shaman’s way of dreaming the world into being through pure awareness and intention. We learn to grow beyond the context of our personal healing work and accept responsibility as stewards of creation. As we do, the world heals, and we experience the sacred in every moment. Ceremonies include the Chaska Kuna Karpay Rites and the Taitanchis Ranti rites.
The Mesachakuy experience is an alchemical journey of transformation and awakening. We are the ones we have been waiting for! We invite you to come journey with us.
Click Here to fill out the Application Form
Celia is a gifted healer and teacher. She has practiced as a Birth Doula for many years, is a Reiki Master, Psychopomp, and a Master Shamanic Practitioner. Celia has been initiated into the ancient Inca lineage of Earthkeepers and Lightbody healers directly transmitted by the Q'ero shamans from the high Andes in Peru, and through her studies with the Light Body School of The Four Winds Society.
In her work she acknowledges that dis-ease comes through disengagement from our internal source of wellness which is our Soul. Our Soul is our connection to Oneness and when what we do is in accord with Oneness we are healthy. When our way-of-life is in discord with Oneness, dis-ease follows. By using shamanic techniques and guidance from helping spirits she connects seekers to this inner spring and help to clear the patterns and blockages that may have caused the disconnection.
Celia resides in Tucson, Arizona, where she offers healing services as well as regular community fire ceremonies and a wide variety of classes through HeartStone Healing.
Celia is a gifted healer and teacher. She has practiced as a Birth Doula for many years, is a Reiki Master, Psychopomp, and a Master Shamanic Practitioner. Celia has been initiated into the ancient Inca lineage of Earthkeepers and Lightbody healers directly transmitted by the Q'ero shamans from the high Andes in Peru, and through her studies with the Light Body School of The Four Winds Society.
In her work she acknowledges that dis-ease comes through disengagement from our internal source of wellness which is our Soul. Our Soul is our connection to Oneness and when what we do is in accord with Oneness we are healthy. When our way-of-life is in discord with Oneness, dis-ease follows. By using shamanic techniques and guidance from helping spirits she connects seekers to this inner spring and help to clear the patterns and blockages that may have caused the disconnection.
Celia resides in Tucson, Arizona, where she offers healing services as well as regular community fire ceremonies and a wide variety of classes through HeartStone Healing.